We do one thing,

We make LINE Ads better.

尬廣數位於2017年跟著LINE Ads Platform的腳步誕生,超過七年的時間,我們只專心做LINE廣告,並以遊戲客戶為主。

Godads Inc was established in 2017, following the launch of LINE Ads Platform (LAP). For over seven years, we have focused exclusively on LINE advertising, with a primary emphasis on game clients.

LINE LAP 是值得深耕的高含金量廣告,瞬間最高曝光,涵蓋率最廣。 不僅RPG遊戲,博奕SLOTS等多款都已達三四年以上的不間斷投放, 尤其是35歲後的高消費族群為最大宗。 

LINE LAP is a high-value advertising platform worth deepening engagement with, offering maximum exposure and the broadest reach.
Not only RPG games but also various slots and gambling games have seen uninterrupted advertising for over three to four years.
Notably, the highest consumer segment is those aged 35 and above.

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產業數據 LAP Audience Data

近期案例 Placement Display

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